Food That Will Increase Testosterone Level

Food That Will Increase Testosterone Level

Foods That Are Straight-Up Superfoods

Photo Courtesy: Pixabay

While most natural, plant-based foods are good for your overall well being, superfoods are those that are extra rich in nutrients. Each superfood has different benefits, but they generally possess some combination of protein, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. These foods are thought to have amazing effects on your skin, immune system, brain function and more.

Although some people have challenged the use of the term "superfoods," there's no denying that some foods have more health benefits than others.


Turmeric is a vibrant, yellow spice that has been used for thousands of years. It is native to South Asia and has been used as coloring and flavor in Indian curries. Studies have found that this spice is not just a great addition to dishes, but also bursting with health benefits.

Photo Courtesy: Steve Buissinne/Pixabay

Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. It's been proven to help reduce DNA damage in cancer patients. Turmeric also has a positive effect on the brain's function and is linked to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and depression.


Almonds are one of the most popular nuts and full of B and E vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and other nutrients They are also a major source of healthy fats that can lower cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.

Photo Courtesy: Marina Pershina/Pixabay

The magnesium content in almonds can also help lower blood pressure levels, while the vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and has been linked to lower chances of heart disease, Alzheimer's and several types of cancer.


Blueberries contain anthocyanin, a compound responsible for the berry's color and health benefits. They also contain 24 percent of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C, which your skin relies on to keep healthy. Regular consumption of blueberries can improve the texture of your skin and inhibit damage from the sun and pollution.

Photo Courtesy: Jonny Lindner/Pixabay

Blueberries are linked to decreased rates of colon, pancreatic, prostate and lung cancers. These tiny powerhouses are filled with phytonutrients and vitamins A and C. These compounds are antioxidants which have the ability to prevent the growth of tumors and reduce inflammation in the body.


Ginger is one of the healthiest spices in the world and is often used in traditional medicines. It's known to help ease symptoms of nausea caused by travel sickness, pregnancy and cancer treatments, and it's great for digestion. Consuming a cup of ginger tea after a big meal can ease the emptying of the stomach.

Photo Courtesy: gate74/Pixabay

Ginger is often used as a treatment for colds and flu. It's also a diaphoretic and warms the body up from the inside as well as stimulating the production of sweat. Regular consumption also has the ability to reduce muscle pain.


This leafy green vegetable is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. It is rich in vitamin K, which helps calcium absorption and reduces calcium lost through urine, leading to stronger bones. People with low vitamin K levels are more susceptible to bone fracture.

Photo Courtesy: WikimediaImages/Pixabay

Kale also has high levels of beta-carotene, which is turned into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for skin and hair growth because it keeps them moisturized. It's also needed for immune function, healthy eyes and reproductive function.


Mushrooms have long been used in traditional medicines, and their health benefits explain why. The high antioxidant content in mushrooms is thought to help prevent diseases such as lung, breast and prostate cancer. This may be because mushrooms contain vitamin D, which may reduce the growth rates of some cancers.

Photo Courtesy: Barbroforsberg/Pixabay

Mushrooms are great for heart health because they contain fiber, potassium and vitamin C. Potassium and vitamin C have the ability to regulate blood pressure, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels. Shiitake mushrooms are an especially good source of fiber.


Spinach is an iron- and magnesium-rich food. These two minerals are needed for energy metabolism and muscle and nerve function. The antioxidants in spinach help fight free radicals that can cause oxidative stress, which in turn heightens the risk of diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

Photo Courtesy: Konstantin Kolosov/Pixabay

Spinach is excellent for your because it is full of zeaxanthin and lutein, which are carotenoids. They work together to inhibit macular degeneration and cataracts, the leading causes of blindness. Carotenoids are also believed to reverse some existing damage in the eyes.


Salmon is a fatty fish, and apart from being tasty, it's also full of nutrients. It's rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are an 'essential fat' and must be consumed through diet, as your body doesn't have the ability to make it. The health benefits include lowering blood pressure, decreasing inflammation and making sure the cells lining your arteries are kept healthy.

Photo Courtesy: Shutterbug75/Pixabay

Salmon is also rich in protein, which is an essential nutrient for your body. Protein helps your body mend after being injured, protects the health of your bones and sustains muscle mass when you lose weight or age.


Seaweed is, perhaps surprisingly, full of nutritious value. It ranges in color and shape and is very versatile. It contains iodine and tyrosine, which are essential for a healthy thyroid function. Iodine and tyrosine help the thyroid release hormones that help your body grow, produce energy and repair damaged cells.

Photo Courtesy: S. Hermann & F. Richter/Pixabay

Seaweed can help with weight loss since it contains large amounts of fiber. As well as not having any calories, fiber makes you feel longer, delaying the feeling of hunger. Studies in animals have shown seaweed to reduce body fat, and this may be true for humans as well.


These creamy fruits aren't just great on toast. They're also packed with antioxidants that are needed for healthy eyes. Studies have shown that consumption of avocados over a long period of time can minimize the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, which is frequent in older people.

Photo Courtesy: tookapic/Pixabay

Anyone wanting to lose weight should consume avocados. Don't let the fact that they are full of healthy fats deter you — these fruits actually help weight loss. They are high in fiber and low in carbs, which keeps you feeling fuller and more satisfied for longer, eliminating the desire to snack between meals.


Eggs contain choline, which is an important nutrient that most people lack. Choline is responsible for building cell membranes and generating signaling molecules in the brain. Eggs are also high in proteins, which are needed to build muscle and optimize bone health. A single egg contains roughly six grams of protein.

Photo Courtesy: Steve Buissinne/Pixabay

You may also have heard that eggs are high in cholesterol. While this is true, it is not necessarily a bad thing. HDL cholesterol is known as the 'good' cholesterol and lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke. Eating eggs can actually raise the levels of HDL cholesterol.


Throughout ancient history, garlic was commonly used for its medicinal benefits. It is a well-known antibiotic and can combat the common cold and flu. Studies have found that daily garlic supplements reduce the length and number of colds by more than half compared to a placebo.

Photo Courtesy: Steve Buissinne/Pixabay

Additionally, garlic can also reduce blood pressure, and studies have suggested that a 600 to 1,500 mg dose of garlic extract may be equally as effective as the drug Atenolol at lowering blood pressure. Garlic also prevents Alzheimer's disease and dementia due to its high antioxidant content. This prevents free radicals that contribute to the aging process.


Quinoa is a highly nutritious gluten-free grain. It contains all nine amino acids, which makes it a complete protein. This makes quinoa a great plant-based protein option for vegans and vegetarians alike. It also has a low glycemic index, which means it's good for blood sugar control.

Photo Courtesy: Evita Ochel/Pixabay

This ancient grain contains the plant compounds quercetin and kaempferol. These molecules have anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects. Quinoa also contains high levels of essential minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc, which most people don't get enough of in their diet.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks, and its compounds can improve brain function. Like coffee, it contains caffeine, but the difference is that it has just enough to generate a response without adverse effects. Caffeine enhances brain function by improving reaction time and memory. Green tea also contains L-theanine, which increases dopamine, the chemical responsible for lifting your mood.

Photo Courtesy: highnesser/Pixabay

Green tea is excellent for weight loss and is often used in fat burning products as it increases the metabolic rate. The caffeine content also improves physical performance since it mobilizes fatty acids and makes them available to use as energy.


Oats are a gluten-free whole grain and are incredibly nutritious. They contain a fiber called beta-glucan, which can reduce cholesterol, blood sugar levels and insulin responsiveness, and it can increase the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Since it forms a thick solution in the stomach, it helps maintain a feeling of fullness for longer.

Photo Courtesy: shixugang/Pixabay

Studies have found that introducing oats into a child's diet in the early stages of their life may greatly reduce the risk of childhood asthma. Oats are also a great remedy for relieving constipation, as oat-bran is very rich in fiber.

Olive Oil

Olive oil, especially virgin olive oil, is high in oleic acid, a healthy monounsaturated fat which helps reduce inflammation and in turn the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and obesity. Olive oil is also packed with antioxidants such as oleocanthal, which has similar effects to ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory painkiller.

Photo Courtesy: Steve Buissinne/Pixabay

Regular consumption of olive oil can help reduce pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. When combined with fish oil — which is full of omega-3 fatty acids — the effects are even better and have been shown to improve grip strength and decrease joint pain.


Broccoli is excellent for a healthy bowel function as it is full of fiber and antioxidants. Having healthy bacteria in your colon is essential for your digestion, and consuming broccoli helps to maintain bowel regularity. The high vitamin C content in this vegetable also contributes to a healthy immune system.

Photo Courtesy: Jacqueline Macou/Pixabay

Some of the nutrients in broccoli, such as vitamin C, calcium and kaempferol can help prevent dental disease. Additionally, sulforaphane can reduce the risk of oral cancers. The calcium and vitamin K in broccoli help maintain strong, healthy bones.


Coffee is one of the most popular drinks and has been found to have numerous health benefits. The caffeine content in coffee can significantly increase energy levels and help you feel less tired. This simultaneously improves brain function, such as memory, mood and reaction times. Coffee also increases your metabolic rate, which is linked to fat burning and weight loss.

Photo Courtesy: Elias Shariff Falla Mardini/Pixabay

Coffee is also known to be beneficial for your liver. Many liver diseases, such as hepatitis, can lead to cirrhosis. Regular coffee drinkers may have up to an 80 percent lower risk of developing cirrhosis.


Pomegranates are classed as berries and are incredibly healthy fruits. The edible seeds have the ability to fight prostate cancer by slowing down and even stopping cancer cell reproduction. Studies have shown that drinking pomegranate juice every day significantly slows down the growth of the antigen that causes prostate cancer.

Photo Courtesy: Poswiecie/Pixabay

These bright red fruits also help fight infections. Research has shown that compounds in the fruit can resist some types of bacteria and yeast. They also help you maintain a healthy mouth and fight against infections and diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis.


Exercise lovers should consume these root vegetables since they can have a positive effect on physical performance. Beets are high in nitrates, which reduce the use of oxygen during exercise by affecting the performance of mitochondria. Eating beetroots or drinking their juice may improve running performance and increase stamina and oxygen efficiency.

Photo Courtesy: congerdesign/Pixabay

Beetroots can help prevent anemia, which is caused by low levels of iron. Iron is essential for red blood cells to function properly, and consuming beetroots daily can increase iron levels. Beetroots also contain antioxidants and vitamins A and B6 that help protect the liver.


Lentils are legumes and may be black, yellow, red or green. They are rich in polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective benefits. Studies have found that lentils have the ability to stop the growth of cancer cells, particularly in skin cells. It's worth mentioning that lentils don't lose their health benefits during the cooking process.

Photo Courtesy: Ulrike Leone/Pixabay

Lentils produce a high amount of folate, also known as vitamin B. This is important for protecting newborns against neural tube defects. Research has found that women who consume high levels of folate during pregnancy have a lower risk of developing gestational diabetes.


Pumpkins are fantastic for your immune system. They are high in vitamin A which helps the body fight infections. They're also a great source of vitamin C, which increases the production of white blood cells and helps wounds and injuries heal quicker. Another immune-boosting vitamin is vitamin E, which pumpkins have plenty of.

Photo Courtesy: Capri23auto/Pixabay

Additionally, pumpkins are loaded with skin-loving nutrients. They contain carotenoids like beta-carotene, which can protect cells against damage caused by harmful UV rays. They're nature's sunblock.

Acai Berries

Acai berries have recently gained popularity for their health benefits. They have an incredibly high amount of antioxidants, even more than blueberries and cranberries. This makes them efficient in preventing cancer cells from forming, growing and invading other cells.

Photo Courtesy: Markus Tries/Pixabay

These small purple berries also have positive effects on cognitive function, and the compounds in acai berries can lower the risk of brain diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. They've also been proven to enhance memory by improving the flow of blood to the brain. Finally, they're also good news for sporty folks since these berries help muscle recovery in exercise-induced injuries.


Cocoa dates back to the Mayan civilization when it was used as a medicine. Today, it's more commonly known for its role in chocolate production. Cocoa contains flavanols that improve the function of blood vessels and lower blood pressure. This in turn reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Photo Courtesy: janiceweirgermia/Pixabay

Perhaps surprisingly, cocoa also helps in weight control. It's thought that cocoa regulates the use of energy, reduces appetite and increases fat oxidation. People who consume high amounts of dark chocolate often have a much lower BMI. Consuming cocoa can help you lose weight at a faster rate.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds may be small, but they are packed with essential nutrients. They contain omega-3 fatty acids that help combat heart diseases, such as thrombosis and arrhythmias. Chia seeds also decrease harmful cholesterol levels and remove plaque that forms in the arteries.

Photo Courtesy: Valeria Lu/Pixabay

Chia seeds are high in fiber and low in calories, making them ideal for weight loss. While many foods are fiber-rich, chia seeds stand out since they contain nearly five grams of fiber in one tablespoon. Their weight loss benefits are further enhanced by high levels of protein.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is made by straining out excess lactose, water and minerals, which ends up creating a product with less sugar and more carbs. Yogurt has a very high amount of protein, which is essential for your immune system to function correctly and for muscle development. It's especially great for vegetarians who need to avoid animal protein.

Photo Courtesy: Elias Sch/Pixabay

Greek yogurt is full of probiotics that are essential for a healthy gut. These are healthy bacteria that protect your immune system. Because gut health can affect brain health, these bacteria are also good for the mind.


Cauliflower has high amounts of fiber and water, which are crucial for digestive tract health and preventing constipation and the development of colon cancer. This vegetable also helps with memory, sleep, learning and muscle movement since it contains choline.

Photo Courtesy: Hans Braxmeier/Pixabay

Cauliflower is also rich in vitamin K, which is needed for healthy bones. A low vitamin K intake is linked to a higher chance of bone fracture and osteoporosis. Studies found that cauliflower may lower the risk of reproductive cancers in both men and women since it contains the antioxidant I3C.

Chili peppers

Chili peppers are mainly used in cooking as a spice. The plant's main compound, capsaicin, can provide pain relief since it binds with pain receptors and makes them insensitive to other types of pain, such as heartburn or migraines. Studies show that regular consumption of chilies can also help burn, leading to a faster metabolic speed and weight loss.

Photo Courtesy: Alexas_Fotos/Pixabay

Capsaicin is also a lesser-known ingredient in heat patches, creams, and ointments designed to ease pain. Research shows that it can reduce muscle pain and stiffness from sports-related injuries as well as joint pain from arthritis.


Tomatoes are great for skin health because they contain the carotenoid lycopene. This substance has the ability to protect the skin against severe sunburn. One study showed that people who consumed tomatoes and olive oil each day for 10 weeks experienced fewer sunburns.

Photo Courtesy: kie-ker/Pixabay

The lycopene in tomatoes also contributes to a healthy heart. There have been many studies that suggest increasing lycopene levels through fresh tomatoes or supplements can lower levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol. Tomatoes are also found to protect the inner layer of blood vessels, which reduces the risk of blood clots forming.


Chickpeas are a type of legume and may be black, green or red. One cup of chickpeas provides 12.5 grams of fiber, which can lower blood glucose levels and minimize the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

Photo Courtesy: PDPics/Pixabay

They also contain a high amount of potassium, which is vital in preventing high blood pressure. Using dry chickpeas in cooking rather than canned chickpeas drastically reduces the amount of sodium and increases their health benefits even further.

Food That Will Increase Testosterone Level



Bedroom Room Decor

Bedroom Room Decor

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20 Guest Room Ideas That'll Make You the Hostess With the Mostess

These mini makeovers will update any bedroom before company arrives.

rug headboard


Roll out the red carpet (or really, the patterned rug) with these spare bedroom decorating ideas. There's no need for a complete overhaul — small touches like a potted plant, fresh throw pillow, or cozy throw can refresh your guest room before company arrives. Give a dated space a budget-friendly design update by painting the walls, ceiling, or floor (really!), or hang removable wallpaper for instant pep. These makeover ideas will get the job done quickly — and maybe inspire a bedroom makeover of your own.

Before the doorbell rings, clear out any clutter from the guest bedroom and lay out towels, extra blankets, and pillows. Move any fragile knick knacks from the bedside table and swap in some new magazines, plus a carafe of water and drinking glasses. Earn some bonus points by leaving out a list of handy deets, like your home's wifi network and password. Quickly testing the lights for burnt bulbs or the TV remote for spent batteries wouldn't hurt either. The finishing touch: bringing in a bouquet of fresh flowers, either from the store or snipped from the backyard. With bedrooms like these, expect to see a lot more RSVPs coming your way. Your guests will want to visit again and again — and give you a five-star rating if they could.

1 of 20

Little Ledge

Dealing with cramped quarters? Affix a small shelf next to the bed in lieu of a table. It's all the space you need for a reading light, book, and small bud vase.


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Lush Plants

Breathe life into a little-used room with fresh greenery. Potted plants, like this trendy fiddle leaf fig, can relocate to the guest bedroom for the weekend as a part of a five-minute makeover.


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Trendy Pillows

A fresh throw pillow (such as this shibori lumbar cushion) adds instant pizzazz to an otherwise neutral room, like this one designed by Mel Bean, without the commitment of a new piece of furniture or a total makeover.


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DIY Headboard

Here's a quick way to add texture to any bedroom: Use a sturdy dowel, curtain rod, or (as seen here) bamboo pole to hang a colorful rug as a headboard. Then mix in rustic wood elements like a bench and bedside table.


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Layered Rugs

Layering matching pink rugs on top of wall-to-wall carpeting defines the space around the bed while adding another layer of color and pattern to the room, explains designer Bria Hammel.


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Painted Headboard

A smidge of leftover paint or a sample-sized can can make an outsized statement on the wall. Use a ruler, level, and painter's tape to mark off a headboard-like section, then put your artistic talents to work.


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Stocked Bedside Table

What better way to roll in all of the hosting essentials than with a bar cart? Tiered shelves can hold extra blankets, water glasses, reading material, and fresh flowers.


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Plush Seating

A padded bench at the foot of bed doubles as seating and a spot (that's not the bed or the floor) to place bags. Some ottomans even offer storage for extra bedding.


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Painted Floors

Use your paint rollers on the ground for a change. White walls set off a rich emerald hue in this attic bedroom.


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Repurposed Headboard

A recycled barn door adds texture to this rustic retreat. Use reclaimed wood panels as a starting point, and then add bedside sconces if you really want a custom piece.


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Hidden Clutter

If your guest bedroom doubles as storage space, stash odds and ends in lidded baskets before last-minute company arrives. They'll be none the wiser.


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Nautical Flair

We're loving the freewheeling spirit of these pennants for a beachy guest bedroom. A perfectly placed sconce below facilitates nighttime reading.


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Two-Tone Accent Wall

Make a dramatic change with a few paint cans and some painter's tape. Roll a darker color on the bottom half of the wall and save a lighter hue for the top portion to draw the eye upward. Pro tip: Use two shades on the same swatch card for a no-fail pairing.


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Cozy Lagom

Sure, you've heard of hygge, but have you tried lagom? The Swedish principle of having just enough translates to cozy decor with warm textures, pink-tinted neutrals, and huggable pillows.


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Painted Ceiling

The room feels chicer when covered from top to bottom in the same warm shade of gray. With a dark color like this, leave bedding light and bright to keep the space from seeming cave-like.


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Scenic Mural

Forget commissioning an artist for the job. You can now browse through dozens of peel-and-stick styles, whether you gravitate towards floral or geometric designs.


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Bright Linens

Cheery yellow sheets bring all the color you need to a neutral-filled room. (And they're the easiest to find in the linen closet, too!)


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Many Mirrors

This design secret is an oldie but a goodie. Bringing in more reflective surfaces will bounce light around the room, making it appear bigger and brighter.


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Bold Wallpaper

It's not your everyday space ... so what better opportunity is there to go big on a pattern or hue you love? A cheery botanical print on the walls can help any visitor feel at home.


Health Editor Caroline is the Health Editor at covering nutrition, fitness, wellness, and other lifestyle news.

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Bedroom Room Decor



Bedroom Console

Bedroom Console

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French Console Tables

Whether you want to create a beautiful, authentic French ambience or a contemporary-style boudoir filled with sleek, elegant furniture, our French style console tables are the perfect pieces when it comes to making a statement. Combine a luxury console table with a mirror and you have a spacious dressing table for your bedroom or a stylish entrance to your hallway. Whether you're after French furniture or a contemporary-style bigwig, browse our range of French console tables for perfect statement-making style.

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Stylist's tip

"Dressing tables and console tables are interchangeable - so a shabby chic console table combined with a French Mirror and a small stool will make a lovely dressing table set too."

About French Console Tables

Wonderfully versatile luxury console tables

Our opulent console tables are fabulously versatile; they look great as a centrepiece in any room and can even widen a space when paired with a lavish mirror, but they are also useful for placing your favourite book or scented candle upon. They make a sensational perch for a harmonious table lamp and work wonderfully as an occasional table in the boudoir, perfect for displaying beautiful perfume bottles.  We also think they make a great welcoming point in an entrance hall, paired with a mirror above (for pre-guest make-up checks!).  Pop a bowl or ornate box on top and use for functional items such as sunglasses, keys and even dogleads - all your 'dashing out the house' essentials!

Luxury console tables - a stunning selection

If you adore the elegant timelessness of classic French furniture, you can bring a touch of France to your home with our stylish range of French console tables, which includes gorgeous pieces with cabriole legs finished in antiqued gilt and topped with a smooth finish.

Made from high-quality wood and carved by expert craftsmen, each one of our console tables is a pure work of art that will impress your guests time and time again.

Choosing the perfect French console table

Our luxury console tables are expertly designed to match all home styles. A beautiful gold gilt console table is a wondrous choice for matching a highly decorative piece of furniture; on the other hand, if you want your console table to showcase your most treasured ornaments and accessories, choose a table that will blend effortlessly with the colour and style of your accessories.

Be inspired by our divine selection of luxury French console tables and treat yourself to the perfect piece for your boudoir. We guarantee you'll fall in love with our beautiful furniture the moment it reaches your home!

A thoroughly modern console table

Although we specialise in beautiful French-style furniture, we also have an abundance of exquisite modern and contemporary console tables that will look gorgeous with almost any type of interior decor theme.

Bedroom Console



Bedroom Ideas For 40 Year Old Woman

Bedroom Ideas For 40 Year Old Woman

Women's bedrooms are a dimension of their own, arrangement and decoration wise. Being very keen to details, expect no less from women's bedrooms.

Veering away from the stereotype, women's bedrooms need not be too flashy to conform to the 'feminine side'. From minimalism, to contemporary, and shabby chic, women's bedroom ideas are limitless.

In this post, we shall cover some of the most notable women's bedroom ideas that you can consider if you are working on one. Hence, without much ado, sift through and read on.

Related: Romantic Bedroom: Ideas to Make Fill a Bedroom with Love and Romance

In this article:

  • Small bedroom ideas for women
  • Bedroom ideas for 20-year-old women
  • Bedroom ideas for a 23-year-old woman
  • Bedroom ideas for 25-year-old women
  • Bedroom ideas for 22-year-old woman
  • Bedroom ideas for a 30-year-old woman
  • Bedroom ideas for 40-year-old women
  • Bedroom color ideas for 60-year-old women
  • Master bedroom ideas for women
  • Elegant bedroom ideas for women
  • Simple bedroom ideas for women
  • Teal bedroom ideas for women
  • Black and white bedroom ideas for women
  • Dark bedroom ideas for women
    • Blue bedroom ideas for women
  • Cute bedroom ideas for women
  • Pink bedroom ideas for women
    • Bedroom ideas for women with blue walls
  • Coral and blue bedroom ideas for women
  • Rustic bedroom ideas for women
  • Modern bedroom ideas for women
  • Apartment bedroom ideas for women
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • What is a good color for a woman's bedroom?
    • What should be in a woman's bedroom?
  • Conclusion

Small bedroom ideas for women

For small rooms, the idea of white is perfect for a bedroom. The color white creates an illusion which makes a small room look larger.

In this bedroom, the minimal flecks of brown and green on a block of white give this a very earthy tone and makes a compact room look lighter and airier.

This small bedroom is an image of a fresh, clean and classy bedroom for women of all ages.

Bedroom ideas for 20-year-old women

Early 20s for women has got to be the busiest years of their lives. Fresh from schooling and starting on a career, they need all the storage that they can get to organize the different items that spell their lives.

In this idea, the focal point would be the bed with storage. Coupled with the monochromatic tone of the arrangement, it is cool, fresh, and neat to look at. This one is definitely fit for the jumpstart woman.

If you want a more playful look fit for a young adult, you can always resort to an industrial minimalist tone with bright colors as the anchor. In this look, the white monochrome is well complemented with flashes of yellow and hot pink.

It looks chill, contemporary and very grounded. The use of industrial themed furniture very much balances the vibrance of the colors used.

Bedroom ideas for a 23-year-old woman

When you hit 23, a simple bedroom becomes very attractive. From the walls to the floor, this bedroom clearly exudes simplicity plus the patterns of the curtain and bed covers brings out its feminine side.

It looks like the prairie, farmhouse design in our grandmothers' homes as kids. This attic room is a respite for busy days, fit for the working woman.

And do not think that blue is just for boys because its tranquil effect is for everyone and it is attractive for women's bedrooms all the same.

It is the fusion of the barnhouse, shabby chic effect and it looks very cool and refreshing to the eyes. This one is a prime example of that.

For some in their 23s, they prefer mirrors and others a little bit over the top bed decoration such as this metal installed around the bed. This is a perfect resting area because of the clean and sophisticated arrangement of this girl bedroom idea.

Bedroom ideas for 25-year-old women

25ish women love DIY bedroom ideas. They create a style of their own from the bed to the furniture or research what is on trend and make a design of their own.

Just like with this cozy, unique bedroom. What adds to its look is the window mirror just beside the bed for a perfect view of the outside.

A room full of art is all in it for women in their 25s. As they become career women, they start to appreciate art and basically what makes them comfortable in their resting area.

In this bedroom, a single bed with a little furniture is seen plus the different images in the wall background. A simple and worthwhile room idea.

Bedroom ideas for 22-year-old woman

This bedroom is a combination of all vibrant colors. It seemingly speaks of the different characters of women but highlights femininity above all.

Few furniture and a little art are seen above the bed which complement this 22-year-old bedroom idea.

Some women in their 23s opt for a simple, monochromatic room like this bedroom idea. The pattern of the curtain and the headboard of the bed makes it sophisticated and very pleasing to the eye. This room is so simple in white!

Bedroom ideas for a 30-year-old woman

In your 30s, you would want a classic glam look of a bedroom, thus this bedroom idea. Neutral colors are put together in this bedroom but what makes it 'classic glam' is the gold color decoration and frame above the bed.

The little furniture and the pillows also added beauty in this type of room.

Women sure are lovers of pink and this bedroom is no different. The pink color added to the different room arrangement with no furniture and a little decoration is still a room to watch out for.

Bedroom ideas for 40-year-old women

For women in their 40s, they are more into plain backgrounds. In this bedroom, everything is so simple, no extra added luxury, just the vibrant colors on the pillow and chair plus the printed full coverage carpet which makes it stylish.

Other women in their 40s spend on the chandeliers, lamps, and curtains to create a luxurious look in their rooms.

With this bedroom, it is a total head turner given its neutral colors. What makes it more luxurious is the full coverage patterned carpet and pillow that complemented each other.

Bedroom color ideas for 60-year-old women

Women in their 60s prefer antique colors with minimal furniture like the drawers placed side by side in this bedroom.

A tall bed also is a must in these ages because they are prone to coming on and off the bed for several reasons. The color also creates an old classic mood which covers the total look of the bedroom.

Another idea of using antique colors but this time, accented with the color green as plants were infused in this look.

The patterned walls and carpet make it more sophisticated. What women in their 60s love is a room that is safe and useful for them, thus, the spacious walkway and less furniture.

Master bedroom ideas for women

A luxurious chandelier and bed headboard, an abstract artwork complemented with the patterned chair, plain couch and background; this is an arrangement of luxury.

You can never go wrong with any of these elements because each angle screams of class and high-end look.

Given the large space, a bedroom with a small living room and a balcony is perf for a woman's bedroom.

Women love to bring in their friends and talk about almost everything, thus the need for a large couch and a spacious room like this master bedroom idea.

In this room, though quite expensive given the customized bed and glamorous chandelier plus the furniture added, this is a very good resting place for women.

Elegant bedroom ideas for women

Speaking of elegance, the white and red combination put together in this room is elegance itself. Though expensive, the chandelier glass and a big classy headboard plus the reddish couch added more elegance to its overall look.

A picture-perfect room idea for every woman who is into elegance and beauty. This one has a plain wall background that is very simple but when infused with this furniture added with the sophisticated architectural design of a ceiling, an ideal room for every woman.

Simple bedroom ideas for women

This simple all white bedroom is a woman's choice. With just the presence of the bed and the bookshelf completes its look. Super simple yet cozy and a very nice resting place for women.

A combination of blue and white plus the wall decoration of a wood accented with furniture such as the lamp and a small table. So simple yet so elegant. A different look for a woman's room.

Teal bedroom ideas for women

A combination of teal and grey room ideas. This bedroom is very nature-like with the plants and the material used in the bed's headboard plus the pillow cover pattern which makes it special. It is simple and brings calmness and peacefulness within the room.

This one is a combination of teal and coral. A very feminist kind of room where the vibrant colors are put together.

The floral wall background and the artwork also complemented each which makes this super ideal for women. And if you are an artsy woman, you would really love that Frida Kahlo ensemble in that monochromatic wall.

Black and white bedroom ideas for women

A modern black and white bedroom design for every woman. The classy piece of artwork plus the mirror and lamp infused inside this room makes it picture perfect.

It is also accented with patterns and pink flowers which symbolizes femininity. This is a simple but sophisticated type of bedroom that is best for women.

This is another black and white kind of a two-in-one room for a woman. A white ceiling and wall accented with a little black plus the added place for working purposes makes it a room suitable for working women.

Dark bedroom ideas for women

This is an ideal dark room design for every woman. The combination of maroon and pink accented with little blue and brown around the corner of the bed plus the added patterned decorations of the wall and artwork design makes it so modern and attractive for women.

Source: Simon Upton

This one is another dark room ideal design for women. The very unique wall design plus the customized mirror and glass table placed beside the bed.

Added to this look is the unique lamp and the wool blanket. So much going around with the elements which makes it beautiful and unique for a woman's bedroom.

Gray bedroom ideas for women

Gray is always good to look at even when combined with different colors. In this bedroom, the gray is combined with white, and a little black and white.

All the monochromes here are very on point but the subtle flush of pink, beige and tan make it all the more compelling to look at. Professional, broody and chic, this is an intriguing look for a women's bedroom.

We shall always love the comforting combo of gray and yellow. If you are a woman who loves to make their bedroom their own little respite or sanctuary, going for a gray and yellow combo is one of the best things that you can do.

This is a very simple bedroom but is very elegant to look at. The vibrance of the color yellow added to the grey brings out a character which is perfect for women.

Blue bedroom ideas for women

Just because it is blue would not mean that it cannot work for women because there really are women who dig blue. Hence, for women who love blue, this one is perfect for you. Look at the calmness and cleanliness this room idea brings.

From the walls to the bed plus the full cover carpet. Blue combined with the color brown like the carpet and the rattan-like chairs makes it so natural and so peaceful to live.

This floral blue design of a woman's room is definitely a watch out. It is so feminine given the color. The clean look of the bed combined with the floral pattern of the wall makes it one of a kind.

Cute bedroom ideas for women

Cute bedrooms are always a hint to an age. If you are working on a teen's bedroom, you can build on this cute and chic, rockstar bedroom idea.

Looking at the different elements such as the wall background, the bed, curtain, rag, furniture and so on. Definitely cute yet still looks a classy kind of room that can win every woman's heart.

Source: Taylor Design Studio

This is another cute bedroom design which has the color combination of yellow, red and white. Looking at the room, a cutie wall design that is handmade plus the small mirror and chair is a plus. All are super small and cute.

Pink bedroom ideas for women

Pink has always been designated as a feminine color. Hot pink is always associated with women but it should not always be the case.

The old rose-pink dominance in this bedroom along with the patterned sheets bring out a lowkey boho look that any woman can enjoy. It looks very tranquil and polished, all at the same time.

For every woman, pink is always a good idea. This bedroom has a vibrant pink wall with a floral design plus the different hues of pink that can be seen in the bed. There is so much pink and femininity going around in this room.

If you are a woman who just wants to bathe in pink and perpetual vibrance, this should be a perfect fit for you. Notice the different decorative elements here. There is a floral side, a geometric side, and a tufted, softer side. But everything works in this pink beauty.

Bedroom ideas for women with blue walls

Dark blue is broody and very royal looking. This woman's bedroom idea does that perfectly. The darker hues of blues used as a background is very efficient for women who want to highlight the furniture of a room.

With an ornate bedroom like this one, the idea is to really keep everything highlighted as much as possible. And it works, definitely.

Blue and orange shall never disappoint. There is just something very compelling and calming at the same time with royal blue walls. This is an almost all blue type of bedroom idea where the blues are found everywhere.

The bed complemented the walls plus an added decoration with the vibrant color orange plus the wall artwork makes the look complete. If your personality is both playful and neat, this is a perfect woman's bedroom idea for you.

Coral and blue bedroom ideas for women

This combo might be very underrated but they complement each other like black and white. This bedroom design might be simple but it gives you a run for your money.

The ceiling which has the coral color and the bed with the blue one. These two colors when combined are so perfect with white. The furniture also added complementary beauty to this design.

This room is a head turner. It is the perfect balance between vintage and modern chic. A very cozy room with coral and blue tones, it does not get any lighter than this.

The wall design is so big but it added aesthetic to the room. Also, the antique and cozy vibe plus the little furniture completes the calmness and peacefulness of this bedroom.

Rustic bedroom ideas for women

The beautiful thing about rustic bedroom ideas is their distressed look and organic, homey feel. This bedroom idea is so natural and rustic. With the bed complementing the mirror and the other elements make it a room of choice for women.

This bedroom is a combined rustic and moody arrangement. Building heavy on ambient lighting and enclosed space, this evokes a very intimate ambiance that women would love especially after a long day.

The wood paneling brings out the rustic vibe plus the neutral colors of the bed and other elements complemented this room's total look.

Modern bedroom ideas for women

This modern bedroom design has so much class. The combination of white and gold is a match. The metal that wraps around the bed plus the modern couch brings the modern vibe.

This one is the perfect idea for suburban classics and for women who just love the tranquility of simple arrangements.

This one is another modern bedroom design that pays attention to modern furniture design. If you think that minimalism is not within the ambit of women's bedrooms, you have to think again because this one is just arranged with side lamps, an industrial chandelier and a monochromatic bed.

Nothing like a traditional design would do. For women who are into architectural designs and the modern ones at that, this is your bedroom choice.

Apartment bedroom ideas for women

This one is a minimalist apartment bedroom idea. Given the small space, everything is just right at place. The bed, with a little table and a chair plus the one windowed room is so simple yet so elegant to look at.

Frequently Asked Questions

Aside from this range of ideas for women's bedrooms, there are also vital FAQs that you should be aware of especially when it comes to decorating them. As such, here are some notable essentials that you have to understand when it comes to women's bedrooms.

What is a good color for a woman's bedroom?

The colors blue, yellow, green, silver, orange, and pink are good colors to put in a woman's bedroom. These colors are known for their ability to reduce stress and in providing serenity.

When choosing the perfect colors for your room, choose within this color palette or a combination of them for a different level of comfort and beauty within your bedrooms.

What should be in a woman's bedroom?

There are lots of elements put in a woman's bedroom but here are the ones that are important when arranging a woman's bedroom:

Layered Bedding

It is always good to have nice bedding since it is designed as a resting place not only for women but for all genders. It is always nice to have a comfortable bed with so many pillows and a thick covering added with a furry blanket.

In a woman's room, these things are a plus and are never forgotten. Beddings, for women, are the highlight of a room, thus, giving extra thinking from the type of bed to its covering.

Related: 19 Red, Black, And White Bedding Sets

Stylish Bed Frame

Women are stylish in nature. They love all the little things that are special and unique and beautiful. Having a stylish bed frame brings out their being feminine depending on the style and texture.

When beautifying a room for women, it is best that you invest in a stylish bed frame and other elements will follow through.

Related: 30 Different Parts of a Bed, Headboard, Footboard, Mattress

A Well-Styled Nightstand

A lamp is a bedroom must have. Whether this is used for work, reviewing or just an added aesthetic, lamps can never be forgotten in a woman's room.

The aura it produces when it hits is different in a room, thus, giving extra importance to the type and color of the light the lamp or your nightstand is.

A Comfy Rug

Rugs provide warmth and comfort for bedroom owners. This also completes the total make- over of a room.

When choosing the best rugs for your bedroom, with its color, see if it matches your ceiling or complements the total design of the room. Remember that your rug choice can make or break your bedroom's design.

Good Curtains

Having good curtains is also a plus. It is useful in nature since it can block direct sunlight in your room plus it also has a decorative feature because it must always complement the rug or the general theme of the room. Purchasing good curtains is a good investment.


More than the sunlight provides is the good lighting the chandelier or your lamp can give. There are so many light colors such as white, yellow, orange and more. So, when choosing, think of the best possible color that fits your bedroom design.

Storage dresser

Women love shopping. It is a good point to purchase a dresser that can store a lot of things from your head bands, eyeglasses to your shoes. This is a must have for every woman.

Related: 23+ Minimalist Dresser Alternatives For Your Bedroom (Photos)

A Full-Length Statement Mirror

Next to the closet is a full-length statement mirror which makes you see your whole self. It is very evident for women who are fashionable or those who love to look at themselves in a mirror.

Aside from that, it also creates an illusion where a small room turns into a large one. This is also a must have for every woman.

Related: 20 Best Mirrors That Look Like Windows

A bench

Chairs are very useful inside the room especially for women who give in extra space as their working area. The color and the texture of the chair is also one to look at.

A Space for Your Favorite Activities

For big rooms, it is a must to have a space for your favorite activities. Bedrooms are the most personal space in your house; thus, it is also a great idea to put in some thinking about a recreational space.

This one sounds fun and exciting as not a lot of women provide a space for leisure. If you are creating your bedroom now, this one is a great idea!


There is always something outstanding about a woman's bedroom that we cannot miss. It might be the littlest detail or the most eye-catchy decoration. It could also be the organized chaos from the elements or the neatness of the ensemble.

Whatever it is, there is always that one thing that gives away subtle femininity. With everything that we have covered here, the idea that you are looking for could just be around. Whatever you think fits for your needs and preference, we say go for it.

Bedroom Ideas For 40 Year Old Woman

